Friday, March 30, 2012

#stickynote : heartbeat

80 beats a minute, beats a minute going by
There aint nothing in it, someday soon we gonna die
Cos from the beginning, at the start of our lives
Allah Decides

Verse 1
tick tock....cant stop the clock
never know when you gotta go
never know when it's gonna stop
pop pop , and then you drop
your countdown begins since before you were born
dont let a moment slip by that you'll regret when your gone
losing 80 beats a minute, 400 for this song 
tomorrow isn’t promised 
This life aint really long 
the one that’s comin after is the one that truly matters wait stop…
missing a beat, drawing the heat
gotta conspire to change your life or its the fire we eat
cos time is but a token every mans at a loss 
don’t matter if you young or old , you never know what you got
so with every living, breathing, beating moment  that your're given turn attention
to the one who grants your heart the permission 
before your clock stops tickin

Verse 2
Thump Thump, every heart beat pump
they saying stop me chump, now you got me stumped!
These young thugs, being hard, living life on edge,
Doing drugs, being scarred by delusions of their age
they’re their own slave master, Do anything they can to makea
their hearts pumping faster, No fear of disaster
Tick tick tock, it’s a count down timer,
Quick, now stop, take a lesson from a rhymer
80 beats per minute, but as youth we feel infinite
From the up-beat in the beginning, every symphony has been written
Cos God’s controlling the pulse, counting the throbs, even the strokes
Every half-note and quiver, has been written in the books
when that last beat drum’s, all your past deeds comes,
Good deeds will only matter, better best bring some...

Verse 3
4800 an hour, 100 000 a day
that's 42 million per annum, man you aint got time to play
cos praying is what pays when investing in heaven
drop the cocaine and the clubs, and the vices of Satan 
cos he is the one that diverts you, yeah
till you visit the graves then realise a life of virtue
So, sieze the day, make it count, make a change
believe in Allah, His angels, books, the last day
the greatest of man, all the prophets who came...
until Muhammad the last, Peace be upon him we say  
Predestination the plan...penned by God’s almighty Hand 
 Heaven awaits those who contemplate and understand

Wednesday, March 28, 2012

#notapendek:Skrip Kehidupan

Bismillah. Alhamdulillah, tugas sebagai pelajar asasi sains uitm puncak alam Sudah selesai masa paper last , tasawwur Islam hari jumaat,23032012 tu, rasa sebak pula, sebab lepas ni dah takde nak study yg gila-gila sangat kot macam kat asasi Ni. Huhu.

So. Now, I'm home! Menghadapi harihari yang mendatang dengan penuh tabah. Hehe. Just nak share, my auntie, maksu, has said that, everyday we must has umm, kinda like,, Skrip Kehidupan.. Haa, what we need to do with it? Maksu kata, tiaptiap hari kena listkan enam Benda yang kita nak buat, then bila kita dah Siapkan Benda tu, just cross it with your pencil or marker pen or liquid paper etc. lepas dah cross kan, surely you'll feel like, Whoa! I did it! Yeah, Alhamdulillah, I Loike!! Lepas ni nak buat apa lagi eh? Semangat ni! Haaaa, macam tulah perasaannya, lebih kuranglah, hehe. Apa apa yang kita buat pun, ingat, kita buat Kerana...? Kerana Allah..:) insyaAllah kita dapat pahala. So, Sekarang ni ana nak buat Skrip kehidupan pula, heeee. Hingga Ketemu lagi, insyaAllah.

May Allah bless us always.

Sunday, March 18, 2012

#repekan : keropok

orang lain dah baca banyak.
awak je yang baru baca sikit.
dah, pi study.


Saturday, March 10, 2012

#shortnote : politely garang mama

She has a lot of story to be shared with her children. I'm kinda really love to listen to her amazing stories. Maybe it sounds like, duuhh, it was a boring story, you know... But for me, all her stories did give me many pengajaran dan iktibar. Sometimes, when I listen to her story, I gain my strength. A LOT. even it's just a simple story about how she handles many problems of her students CALMLY. She's always said, you must depend a lot to Allah, Doa banyak-banyak, He's always listening. Sometimes we feel stressed and then kita rasa macam nak , kinda like, aaaaaaaa, nak scream kuat-kuat je so satu dunia tahu kita stress, kan...? But, why..? Kenapa kita tak kembali kepada Dia? Kenapa tak merayu pada Dia, minta pada Dia dengan seikhlas hati kita, so that, Dia hilangkan segala rasa gundah gulana kita? Kan..? We have Him, but We don't depend on Him fully and confidently. That's our mistake. Dia yang sampaikan stress pada kita, so why kita nak jerit-jerit macam orang gila tak betul, sedangkan kita boleh minta kat Dia? A big question there..

Then, when we study, do we study because of ALlah? Do we work because of Allah? Life is short. Short. Short. Short. Really short. Jadi, kenapa kita perlu stres lebih-lebih untuk study for exam, sampai nak menangis-nangis tak faham something? Ilmu itu milik Allah. Fizik tu ilmu Allah. Mathematics Calculus tu ilmu Allah. Biology tu ilmu Allah. Ikut Allah-lah mahukan kita faham sesuatu topik atau tak. But, at least, we have to try to understand the ilmu. Kita kena USAHA. ok, USAHA. again, USAHA. Kalau kita usaha, kita dapat pahala. Allah didn't look for the results, but He looks to our efforts.. Kita nak kejar apa sebenarnya? Kebanggan di dunia? Pangkat? Pekerjaan? Kalau kita betul betul percaya pada planning Allah ,kita betul betul depends pada Dia, insyaAllah everything's gonna be okay. Semuanya yang kita buat akan rasa smoooth je macam makan smoothie? Kita akan hadapi apa-apa obstacle dengan relax je, because we know, it's just a part of life, and Allah mahu uji tahap keimanan kita yang sebenarnya. :')

p/s : sorry, ayat manglish , berterabur.

tengah nak recharge balik kekuatan ni untuk final! fighting!

Saturday, March 3, 2012

#shortnote : stop kejap!



Kepada sesiapa sahaja :D
Wishing you all the best for final exam/test/etc.
Kita sama-sama usaha yang terbaik, then barulah tawakkal sebenar-benarnya. 
Answer the questions dengan sepenuh hati kita. 
Dan juga..
Ummi minta maaf kalau ada salah silap dengan siapa-siapa pun :)
Mungkin secara tak sedar, Ummi ada buat silap. 
Mohon maafkan Ummi :')

All The Best-Est in whatever you do!
Like my sister said :
Kita usaha kita dapat pahala, 
Kejayaan kekalahan bukan urusan kita.

Jangan lupa,
Jaga Hubungan kita dengan Allah, parents, sahabat dan semuanya!

And lastly,
A Million Trillion Zillion Infinity Thanks and Love to group B8 Asasi Sains PALAM 
for the Sweetness of Ukhuwah and the Beautiful Memories !
May ALLAH bless all of us and put us in His Guidance, Always.
Till we meet again, insyaAllah. Kalau Tidak Di Dunia, InsyaAllah Kita Jumpa di Syurga.

P/s : Kita belajar kerana Allah. Itu kena ingat selalu. ;)
Doakan kami ya :)