Wednesday, June 16, 2010


Mood: suka dan seronok! [senyum sampai nampak gusi, ngee]
Reason: sebab dapat revise tajuk alkane, alkene, isomers, etc. hua3 [Carbon Compounds]
Serius, saya berasa amat gembira dan terisi kembali dengan apa yang telah saya "hadam". [Alhamdulillah]

Teringatkan Mh. Azizah and M. Nazriq. Huaaa.[nangis]
Sedihnya. Mh. Azizah pindah Penang, M. Nazriq pindah JB.
Seorang ibu berada di utara, seorang ayah berada di selatan. T.T
Semoga Allah permudahkan urusan Mh. and M.!
InshaAllah kalau ada masa, kita bertemu lagi.
And, we'll do our best in SPM, INSHAALLAH!
[specifically biology and physics..:D]

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Mood: Laparrrr~
Weather: Hujan lebat! [rahmat tu..ngee]

Tuesday, June 8, 2010

synapses 10

Takziah ana ucapkan kepada seorang sahabat kesayangan ana yang telah kehilangan ibu saudaranya pagi tadi. may Allah blessed her late aunty dan diletakkan dalam kalangan orang beriman. Amin.
Dan, semoga Allah mempermudahkan urusan bagi atuknya yang sedang tenat. Amin.

Ingatlah, bahawa setiap penyakit itu sudah pasti ada ubatnya melainkan penyakit tua yang tiada ubatnya.

Are we ready for the hereafter??

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In the name of ALLAH.

Alhamdulillah, after i have visited some blogs and official site such as sami yusuf official, haluan palestin, iluvislam and so on, i feel recharged again.
I didn't have to think about simple things.
Now, there's a big thing happens at palestine, gaza.
Hopefully, our sahabah at palestine, gaza and everywhere under the protection of Allah Ta'ala.
Eventhough, we can't fight the Israelis army there, but we could pray and donate some money for them.
[Du'a Is A Weapon For Mu'mein]


All your armies, all your fighters
All your tanks, and all your soldiers
Against a boy holding a stone
Standing there all alone
In his eyes I see the sun
[In his smile I see the moon
And I wonder, I only wonder
Who is weak, and who is strong?
Who is right, and who is wrong?
And I wish, I only wish
That the truth has a tongue

May Allah Bless.