Wednesday, March 31, 2010

ukhuwah fillah [pengawas]


Tired. tired. tired.
Best. best. best.
Alhamdulillah selesai juga ukhuwah's session between prefects!
Tepuk tangan untuk diri sendiri!
Title for the programme is:
The First Level of Ukhuwah Attraction.
(Thanks ifa for the idea!)
Maybe some of you thinks that our session is a little late.
But, it's okay.
At least, we have ta'aruf each other and know our profile's friends. 
Activity dia..
Kitaorang duduk dlm bentuk circle, lutut bertemu lutut..then,
Each of us need to introduce by our name, birth date, hobby, ambition and "prinsip hidup".
(Ramai yang ta tau apa prinsip hidup masing2. But, it's okay. Lain masa, boleh tanya lagi. hehe.
Prinsip hidup ni kita kena tahu. It's really important *wink*)

Then dah habis ta'aruf in circle..
buat activity lain pula.
I gave them a paper and
"dhobidh"2 kena cari sahabat diaorang yang mana yg ada kriteria yg ada tertulis dalam kertas tu. (adeyh, banyak  betul guna perkataan "yang", huhu)
In this activity, 
boleh tengokla macam mana mereka saling berkomunikasi :-)
Hopefully our ukhuwwah will be stronger than ever! inshaAllah!

And to all prefects, 
kalau kalian bertemu antara satu sama lain, bertegur sapalah ^_^
Bagi salam ke atau tanya khabar ke.
Or at least, smile ^_^
Smile is sadaqah and ta perlu bayar apa2 kos untuk senyum, kan kan? huhu.


*ukhuwah fillah!*
~rugi pula rasanya sebab ta bawa camera *_^

Monday, March 29, 2010

2.32 am

It's 2.32 am already!!
Wahh, so tired!
Alhamdulillah, i've done some proposal for prefect's programme.
InshaAllah tomorrow there will be ta'aruf's session for the prefects.
Hope it'll work smoothly and be blessed by Allah.

If you wanna know the content or maybe the activities for ta'aruf's session, you may ask me here!
Sharing is caring.

May Allah Blessed Us 24 Hours Per Day!

Friday, March 26, 2010



How's your day for this week?
Hope all be fine, inshaAllah.

Getting a lot of homeworks lately.
Physics~ Electricity(gotta revise this chapter. a little confuse)
Add Maths~Integration T.T
Other than academics,
gotta do some plans for prefect.
At first, it's really hard to be a prefect.
But after a little time, alhamdulillah i'm very enjoy to be a prefect.
Prefect is amanah.
So, if you're a prefect or maybe a leader for any organization.
Because we'll be asked by Allah on the Day of Judgement.
And sis yue advised me to:
"Do not take all things to slightly! Work seriously!"
'the way u act on insulting show how matured and educated u are. so be the one!'
Thanks a lot sis yue. May Allah bless you.

So, let us handle our responsbility as abid Allah, a son, a daughter, a student, a prefect or anything greatly.


Saturday, March 13, 2010



Alhamdulillah, this week=free from school! yaiy! 9 days in vacation. heehe.
Just use your leisure time with benefit things ya!
May Allah guide us every second in our life!
Happy holidays!


Owl City: Fireflies


Lyrics | Owl City lyrics - Fireflies lyrics